In 1961, W.C.H. Prentice wrote his prescient essay, “Understanding Leadership”, wherein he rejected the idea that leadership is the product of power, force, or great analytical skill. Instead, he argued that a successful leader has the ability to understand people’s motivations, as well as enlist their help in a way that meets both their needs and those of the group.

Even though the debate about what leadership means continues today, Prentice’s original observations still hold true. At its core, leadership refers to the ability to guide and influence others to work towards a shared vision or goal.
But great leadership goes beyond holding a position of authority, creating strong management, or possessing good business skills and people skills. Whether you’re a CEO, team leader, entrepreneur, or teacher, great leadership is about inspiring and empowering people to be their best. Here are the top five qualities that all great leaders have in common.
An appropriate approach
In today’s business culture that is obsessed with metrics, it’s tempting to measure leaders simply by the success of their businesses. But measuring leadership through bottom-line company performance fails to explain what makes someone a great leader.
Leadership in fact encompasses several aspects that aren’t always measurable. Here are just a few:
- Clear Communication. When leaders effectively communicate their visions, values, and mission, they create a sense of purpose and meaning for their team members. Great leaders ask questions, listen actively, and streamline information sharing and decision-making.
- Develop People. Effective leaders have the ability to identify the unique talents and skills of their team members, and understand that when individuals work in positions where their passions and strengths align, they thrive and grow professionally.
- Support. Top-down managing stifles creativity and risk-taking. Instead, exceptional leaders support and empower others. By providing guidance, training, and encouragement, leaders can create an environment that fosters growth and development within their team members.
- Trust and Respect. Leaders who trust their team members create an environment where individuals feel empowered to take risks, share ideas, and make decisions. When team members feel valued and respected, they are motivated to give their best.
- Thinking Critically. Great leaders are in a never-ending pursuit of knowledge; constantly striving to learn and solve problems. For them, success requires establishing goals, understanding risks, organizing thoughts and creating a plan to execute. But they also know they can’t do it alone. The best leaders use coaching and development to get the tools and support they need.
A better future
W.C.H. Prentiss firmly believed a great leader can create democratic leadership that, without creating chaos or anarchy, gives people opportunities to learn and grow.
At Opti-Harvest, we’re doing just that. As leaders in agricultural innovation and agribusiness, we’re empowering farmers and commercial growers to better use sunlight, improve water use, and increase their agricultural resiliency.
Led by Ph.D. scientists, our team has decades of experience in plant physiology, horticulture, and optical physics. If you’re interested in pursuing business ventures with Opti-Harvest, contact us today and discover how integrating our technology can strengthen your bottom line.