Agriculture, the foundation of our civilization, has evolved tremendously over the years, and technology has played a pivotal role in its transformation. One of the most exciting recent developments is the integration of Virtual Reality (VR) in agriculture. This immersiveREAD MORE
As America’s top agricultural state, California produces more than 400 agricultural commodities and supports hundreds of thousands of jobs. While the state’s agriculture includes grains, vegetables, fish and livestock, it’s best known for its fruits and nuts. In fact, CaliforniaREAD MORE
By now, the blistering California heat during July and August should be no surprise. Even as August becomes September, temperatures can be as high as the 100s. We know the blazing sun can be unbearable for residents and wildlife, butREAD MORE
After extreme winter storms and unprecedented snowfall, the majority of California is finally out of drought for the first time since 2020. However, CA’s central valley continues to struggle with both flooding and droughts, as one-third of the state remainsREAD MORE