
With the rise in urban farming, the landscape of agriculture is rapidly transforming. Across cities, from commercial hubs to public spaces, innovative practices are being integrated within city environments for a greener future.  As traditional farming grapples with challenges suchREAD MORE

In today’s rapidly evolving world, the agricultural sector is experiencing a revolutionary transformation, driven by the integration of innovation and technology. Agri-tech, or agricultural technology, is reshaping the very contours of farming and agriculture by bringing forth an array ofREAD MORE

Climate change is a pressing issue that affects every corner of the globe, with significant impacts on agriculture, particularly on smallholder farms. As extreme weather becomes more common, transforming pastures and cropland across the world, farmers are facing unprecedented challenges.READ MORE

The agriculture sector is at a pivotal crossroads, facing immense global challenges that range from climate change to increasing food demands due to a growing global population. Agricultural technology, or agri-tech, is stepping up to these challenges with sustainability solutionsREAD MORE

Los Angeles is often seen as a concrete jungle: a sprawling metropolis of skyscrapers, highways, and Hollywood glamor. However, in the 21st century, many people are unaware of the rich history of Los Angeles as a center of agriculture, farming,READ MORE

As we step into the new year, the agri-food industry is set to witness a transformative journey filled with advancements, challenges, and exciting innovations. Let’s take a look at the predictions for 2024, exploring the expectations, the latest news, andREAD MORE

In a world grappling with the impact of climate change on agriculture, the search for sustainable and resilient crops has never been more critical. Enter sorghum, an ancient grain that is being hailed as the “crop of the future.”  ClimateREAD MORE

Food security is a global issue, and at a time when there are fewer workers in the agriculture industry, farmers are growing especially concerned. Factor in climate change and increasingly high costs, and it can be difficult for farmers toREAD MORE

Agriculture, the foundation of our civilization, has evolved tremendously over the years, and technology has played a pivotal role in its transformation. One of the most exciting recent developments is the integration of Virtual Reality (VR) in agriculture.  This immersiveREAD MORE

As America’s top agricultural state, California produces more than 400 agricultural commodities and supports hundreds of thousands of jobs. While the state’s agriculture includes grains, vegetables, fish and livestock, it’s best known for its fruits and nuts. In fact, CaliforniaREAD MORE